Anon 05/04/2024 (Sat) 05:33 No.10317 del
Typos because today was shitty (I can at least be glad than zb imports as read-only as I found out like 2 days ago):
*Maybe I mentioned this part in the past
*Lyric: "With a little faith and trust, we can fashion dreams from dust. In just. No. Time. At. All!"

>can import as RO
Trying to import as RW = still hangs and/or results in a kernel panic.

du reports the wrong size with this video:
>$ du -sh $f
>23K /ipfs/Qme5JFtX73y7Npehux2GMuKJZazSJyfFYvBMZZcaygvxX4/youtube/BGM_Pony_Degeneracy_UCk-L2CG6fxIIe_o6LreemAA/AIVA_GPT-J_-_Technology_Prevails_ft._TalkNet-BGM_Pony_Degeneracy-20220530-youtube-1920x1080-pQJiyWgrpds.webm
>$ # FUSE-mounted IPFS
>$ cat /ipfs/Qme5JFtX73y7Npehux2GMuKJZazSJyfFYvBMZZcaygvxX4/youtube/BGM_Pony_Degeneracy_UCk-L2CG6fxIIe_o6LreemAA/AIVA_GPT-J_-_Technology_Prevails_ft._TalkNet-BGM_Pony_Degeneracy-20220530-youtube-1920x1080-pQJiyWgrpds.webm | wc --bytes
>$ # Byte count thing shows the correct filesize: 46,828,439 bytes