The meaning of life, phenomenology Anon 07/24/2024 (Wed) 10:10 No.10733 del
*ask strangers for directions
*No life is not worth living.

>Thinking so much about how life is absolute shit, it's like a betrayal of your own being.
Because you yourself are a living being. Your fuckin cells are reproducing right now and whatever. You are growing (fingernails/hooves are growing, etc.). Hair is growing, kinda like how a plant grows. Maybe you are ascending a social ladder or some other people-hierarchy: so growing in that regard. Or just growing older, as if being and old fuck means anything.

>You could say that suicide is the coward's way out, but maybe it's not cowardice but instead bravery to abandon years of suffering for nothingness or what might possibly lie beyond after death.
>Why keep clinging to a shitty life if there might be a better one or just nothingness after death? Because perhaps the possibly-exists afterliving is worse than the real life. That's one reason.
To brave the possibility that the possibly-exists afterlife is worse than the real life or nothingness. (Basically, and to simplify, to brave the possibility of going to hell and suffering in excruciating pain for all of eternity.)

Phenomenology somewhat concerns itself with covering various states of the mind. I kinda covered some of those, which is interesting. What a suicidal man might think and other states of mind.

The idea that life if bad is maybe a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you don't embrace all aspects of life (the good and bad, and whatever else): then you're "doing it wrong" and destined to suffer as a result. If you embrace life ("life affirming" is a term in this one philosophy) then you will have less problems.

I don't know a whole lot about philosophy, but shying away from it and being afraid of sounding dumb or whatever seems like the wrong attitude. So if "life being good" is such a complicated state of mind to achieve and most people don't really think and believe that to be truth enough, then perhaps "life is bad" is the simple answer. Of course life is a mixture of good and bad, but how do you conceive of what's the defining word for it?

It's interesting because saying either

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