Megamind Anon 07/24/2024 (Wed) 10:37 No.10734 del
Question the question: "is life good or bad?" I guess people think about this when something(s) bad happened. Not so much questioning life when good things happen! They may say "life is shit" and such. Do you ask "is life worth living?" when good things happen? (No.) Yes people say life is good when good things happen, but that is likely equally as dumb as saying that life is bad when bad things happen. You may be glowing (positive emotion) from some experience and say that life is good. Or you are blue (feeling bad) from another experience and say that life is bad. What is lacking from both of these quick judgements is considering a larger depth of knowledge or experience.

It would be interesting if we could condense the billions of human lives that existed on Earth into one mind then ask that being with said mind how he feels. Would it be good feeling, or a bad one?

Other relevant things where you may need definitions: "absolute truth" (religion/not), "objective truth", "subjective truth".

(Do you say "I'm only human" when you did something worth of praise? Depends on what level of "worthy of praise" it is at or how that's defined. With different standards, you could reply "I'm only human" after being praised.)

I guess postmodernism deconstructs philosophy into a bunch of well-defined relationships of words. Or just "words". That's true for large language models (AI/ML), but is that true beyond that? I don't know. I guess I hope so. One of the things that postmodernism (the philosophy and not the art movement or whatever) is unambiguous about: the politics of postmodernism is leftism. "Less true": postmodernism is leftism. "More true": postmodernist politics are like turbo-leftism / social justice warrior crap. I don't like postmodernism the philosophy, but I find it kinda interesting (like this one book on where I learned about it) and am at least weary of it. Remember that a significant part of leftism is status-seeking behavior and trying to be the coolest, also "living in the matrix" in the sense of complex ideas.

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