Anon 01/03/2021 (Sun) 00:58:48 No.7155 del
>More than half the full episodes I've seen, were on the alcoholic, brony implementation of twitch.Granted the developers that made it would shout and scream if they saw me call it that, but for relatability, let's call it that.
>Although I grant you, it was a bunch of alcoholics gathered around collective computer screens to drink socially while alone.

Honestly, I prefer the traditional manner of going out to a bar,hanging out while having laid back conversation with two or three friends. But even then, when people around here in my country notice the edge, then one realizes where to stop. For the most part,young adults in their 20s (or even in their 30s) dare to surpass it in the urban discos.

I get that one watches certain media and plays the drinking game or said material is so bad that one uses alcohol in order to find it fun. But I don't share it nor I would find myself capable to do it.

I mean, while I have a certain amount of tolerance, I just tried to drink a tankard one afternoon (without eating for four hours beforehand) and I just couldn't finish it (I left aside a quarter of it) because I noticed that my mind was reaching that blocked state of consciousness and I had to be aware enough in order to come back home consciously. I am not an Asian when it comes to tolerance towards alcohol but because of my mother, I cannot afford to drink it so happily. Just very few degrees with a small quantity but I would never attempt to take shots while watching an episode (and that episode is What Lies Beneath, why does a fan need alcohol for enjoying it?)

>But alcoholic bronies? totally normal

Well, there you have (partly) the reason behind the "autistic" moments that fill up the brony cringe compilations and why depressions might be really intense around these circles. Unlike the presence inside a bar where it starts and mostly ends there, at home they leave a mark behind on the net sometimes (and not in a good way).

Oh well, everyone is free to do whatever but I find that pattern...concerning...