Anon 01/21/2021 (Thu) 01:12:20 No.7228 del
>Is there any point in using it?
well, it has been created recently so it´s getting that initial boost in terms of activity. I don´t see the format as convincing as other imageboards. Nextchan provided more options that this one. While the concept of keeping the boards interconnected is something that sounds fresh (it´s the first time that I have seen this system in my limited experience with the imageboards), besides the Captcha relies on the technological powerhouse (Alphabet) that along with Apple domain the internet and serve as the editorial for setting up a global narrative...

...for that, I already have /mlp/. I wonder why they don´t use the one with the letters.

With that said, the attempt to set up a certainly uncommon system is appreciated.

angry trips checked.