Anon 08/02/2023 (Wed) 02:41 No.8734 del
(1.09 MB 900x1568 5734.png)
Excellent! Finally it uploaded. Though it didn't follow the 133 MB glitch so I suppose some other issue (like my own Internet) perhaps might be a factor.

>That wasn't a typo; this was in church, someone waxing prophetic about the political.
I see.

>Meanwhile, I've moved to the new office, a sardine can in a high crime district.
That sucks. Especially in the region you live in and the, ahem, particular complexities in how cities there tend to be run.

>Also, summer is here and we've crossed 100F a couple times since last I posted.
It has crossed it 30 times this year, last I heard where I live.


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