Anon 08/07/2023 (Mon) 10:42 No.8740 del
>You have a real busy life, don't you? With a lot of technical issues.

I will ask this to anyone on the board.

Has anyone had the misfortune to work 15 hours a day for two weeks entirely, with so much intensity?

As if that wasn´t enough, has anyone faced sleeping problems that causes so much sleep deprivation that one would have to work 10-12 hours for monitoring passive activities with an unreliable/unpredictable schedule due to the inconsistent mood of the boss (while he is changing plans constantly)? Note: By sleep deprivation, we are talking about 2-4 hours of sleep in one or two entire days, by the way.

Has anyone been a people pleaser in order to get by in the routine?

That should give all of you an idea about what might be happening around there...
