Anon Board owner 09/20/2023 (Wed) 10:29 No.8787 del
(392.59 KB 1535x2185 3052748.jpeg)
>Thank you!
>I got them, yes!
Awesome! I hope you don't mind the long delay. Hopefully at least some of them are to your taste.

>It's nice to shed the extraneous parts of humanity and just become a conduit for memories and feelings.
Though I have a bit of a different philosophy for how I think of anons, I do get what you mean. A random poster, free of a identity and social media personality can speak to you and leave an impression. At least with those precious few souls that standout and still use their anonymity to speak their mind, heart, or otherwise still willing to break the mold in contrast to the spirit of defeat and overall anti-conformist-conformist behavior I do often see, but even there, you still can have standouts (and smaller chans still certainly have some gems).

>In my case the show ending gave me a bit of a breakdown and crisis, I'd assume that's what's most memorable about my posts here.
Believe it or not, for me, that wasn't the case. This might be a little in contrast to how you think of it but something about you despite your relatively limited postings, has always stuck out--as in you yourself. I imagine you would dispute there being much notable about you yourself outside the emotional undercurrents you transited and I can't put my finger onto exactly why myself.

I guess it is like how we debated with old BO (forever known as BO). /endpone/ was too small for a collective to hide behind and the personalities and little traits of users can stick out.

Just in case endchan ever goes down:
Technically, this is our bunker, or a bunker anyway. CB set this one up and he is BO (and I am a BV).

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