Anonymous 10/16/2019 (Wed) 12:11:42 No.18580 del
Chuck Todd Caught Bragging About Suppressing News From NBC Viewers

Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd has been caught bragging about suppressing news and keeping NBC viewers in the dark about potential Democrat corruption.

Just when you thought Todd’s journalistic reputation could not sink any lower, he went on the air to brag about how he has decided to hide news from his viewers, as though such a thing is a virtue.

watch the bullsnaw clip here:

Is that not the biggest load of bullshit ever, and I do mean ever…

So all of a sudden, if you are “only” a businessman who flew around the world on the vice president’s airplane to cut sweet, foreign business deals for yourself, you are an untouchable private citizen the media won’t ever report on? No matter how shady the deals? No matter how much the vice president’s influence was involved, you are off-limits to media reporting?

Really, Chuck?

Really, that’s the New Standard, those are the New Rules — that it is now off-limits to report on any businessman who profits from political relationships…?

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