Anonymous 09/08/2019 (Sun) 13:38:12 No.2191 del
How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare
Following another catastrophic mass shooting or crisis event, Orwellian “solutions” are set to be foisted on a frightened American public by the very network connected, not only to Jeffrey Epstein, but to a litany of crimes and a frightening history of plans to crush internal dissent in the United States.
by Whitney Webb
September 06th, 2019

Epstein > Ehud Barak > Carbyne911 >Unit 8200
Peter Theil > Palantie (Main Core) > has office in Israel
Lital Leshem > Black Cube > Harvey Weinstein

So much moar in the article...
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