Anonymous 09/08/2019 (Sun) 17:46:17 No.2225 del
I noticed the quads I had an 11:11 on the clock this morning too. Looking for my 3’s now.

I remember this movie as entertaining, not frightening. Spoiler.

Some of these questions come from 8chan, like red carpet stars spilled blood to get that honor.
Like Al Roker was huge, still is from behind. But in sometime after he started he lost weight and kept it off, from the front camera shot at least, same with Al Sharpton and many others. They dont look the same. Look at Adele’s earliest first performances or on SNL 2008. Mousey gal, but now she is stunning. Fans claim to have seen her turn into a lizard. Amy Whitehouse was a beautiful wholesome young gal if you can find her earliest performances. Nothing like the Amy we first saw as her star rose.