Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 14:52:59 No.7884 del
This is very powerful indeed.

There was a set of memes on The Great Awakening, with people of all colors engaging in thoughts that their group 'isn't supposed to' think, the effect: giving other people in their group 'permission' to think these thoughts
> my life is actually getting better under POTUS
> D's welfare is just another plantation

I don't like the idea of voting and it wouldn't work logistically anyway. Consider that not every anon is online at the same time, there are no per-bread UserID assigned, etc.
But input, healthy constructive criticism and feedback are helpful.

I miss /memefarmer/

Great report!
>Don't give up on trying to redpill people, Anons...because at first they will think you are nuts and dismiss you-but sooner or later most of them will come to you looking for answers.

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