metaverse 09/15/2022 (Thu) 14:49 No.2 del

As soon as the world starts to know what QZQ is, nothing can stop us. Join us, spread the word and enjoy your the ride 🚀🚀🚀 Principles of Vuecoin : What can you do inside Qaziku ?

Learn: Qaziku is making crypto information accessible for all. They are building a platform for crypto readers to find all the info related to cryptocurrencies in one place. How they are going to do that, is something we need to wait to find out?

Earn: Post IDO, Qaziku real estate will go live, and Qaziku Holdera will be able to buy, sell, trade, real-estate. Users will also be able to make passive earning through staking and advertising.

Play: Qaziku will enable Play-to-Earn model. Qaziku Holders will be able to play games, network with other gamers, and entertain friends through the world of VR Create: Creators can create scenes, artworks, challenges, colorful scenes, social games using simple building tool and apps.

Qaziku : The First Look Users would first see the login page. Sign up, if you are a first time user and login. Once done, you would need to create a wallet. Qaziku is multichain and hence you can create your wallet on any of your preferred blockchains – BSC, BTC, ETH & BSC. The wallet will let you store and see ERC 1155 NFTs.

After you logged in to Qaziku and the wallet is set up, you would then be taken to the AVATAR page wherein you can choose your Avatar, customise it. We found the Avatars really colorful. You can give them a name as well. How cool is that? You can also purchase items from Qaziku marketplace and make your avatar more unique, just like the real world.

Once you have created your digital avatar and given it a name, you would need to apply for a passport. Once you have your passport created, you can now enter the world of QZQ.

Inside QZQ : The Metaverse World

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