Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 03:00:02 Id: 5d9fa3 No.10504 del

--Video 2-- Questions: 34
Q - Discovering possible in Coomer case?
A - YES. 2 hours depostion of Coomer - talk about anti-slap law in Coro. see article.
Q - Why didn't Pres Trump site the insurrection act or use Cybersecurity order to look at machines?
A - Sidney was encouraging this but no other aide would support - the others wanted him to leave. They said nobody would support her. He was undermined by many of his WH staff. It wasn't about him - it was about the Republic of the USA. Machines should have been impounded. many people EXACTLY what happened and they are DETERMINED to bury the truth.
Q - Why are u optimistic?
A - People are coming forward - the truth WILL win out.
Q - How is it possible we could have a conspiracy this big?
A - There are lots who din know they were committing a crime. Didn't take that many people for many things. Swing states - more people knew. DOJ and FBI, CISA, Homeland Sec - didn't do their job, that shows a big effort.
Q - What about foreign influence?
A - We have a lot of intel, warnings. Iran, Russia, Pakistan, China. There were data packets being transferred.
Q - But these achines were not supposed to be connected to the Net.
A - That's what Poulos said but it's not true.
A - No real handcount except for Antrim Co and AZ. GA never did that. They are terrified of doing one in GA.
Q - How did Trump win in 2016.

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