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Troponins are a group of proteins found in skeletal and heart (cardiac) muscle fibers that regulate muscular contraction. Troponin tests measure the level of cardiac-specific troponin in the blood to help detect heart injury. ... When there is damage to heart muscle cells, troponin is released into the blood.Jan 27, 2021 › Tests

Steve Kirsch on Troponin Levels After Fake Vax Shots
This guy is an advocate of early covid treatment, has a lot of info.

Troponin thread:

Brad Campbell measured 26X normal troponin levels in one patient after vaccine. It seems to be rare (less than 1 in 100). Anyone know how often this might be happening? See 36:00 in the video.
I've heard there is another, more recent video.

His latest video is here:
He shows the numbers for another patient. He's not sure yet how often this is happening but is highlighting this so people can start measuring these markers BEFORE and AFTER.

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