Anonymous 12/11/2021 (Sat) 22:18:07 Id: 2cd359 No.11802 del

Prof Desmet says the hypnotism and mass formation he now sees is a condition clearly leading to totalitarianism.

In a totalitarian state, once normal people commit atrocities thinking they are righteous.

If we unite the 30% who are awake and wr stand together speaking every day to everyone we meet against the mass formation — against the narrative — the mass dissolves and the crisis is ended.

You don’t have to say a lot – say little things like:
“none of this makes sense”
“the data says something different”
say it to the cashier
say it at the gas station
say it to the repairman
go out of your way to say it

This is the art of resistance; spread seeds of doubt — words of dissent.

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