Anonymous 01/24/2023 (Tue) 15:21 Id: 4d094a No.118086 del
(12.58 KB 253x255 LaughEagle.jpg)

Did he also tell you that he has a virus on your servers with access to your Web Cam that automatically turns on and starts recording you whenever you're wanking in front of a computer (my my don't you have spicy pr0n interests!)

And also that if you didn't send him the $340 in bitcoin to a randomized wallet, that he would release all his "saved" footage of you wanking it to Pterodactyl porn while a midget fuk's a woman's shoe in the background as he barks like a dog?

I mean..... I don't know about you fren... But I'd be terrified, I'd have paid him $350 and said the $10 was a tip.