Anonymous 01/26/2023 (Thu) 00:15 Id: 393630 No.118727 del
(255.21 KB 1614x982 neverendswell1.jpg)
you might have missed a main point.
sorry if I was not clear
The autopsies in question were related to criminal forensics.
i was speaking of that element, not of use during the doctor's training . or the original reasons for their need of bodies (study physiology)
It was about medical reasearch, which is stunted without study of causes of death, on people who die for 'unknown " reason or "unclear reason'
Used to be that was an element of Medical progress and study'
no more. that changed
Check New Yorker long article of the subject that goes into the history and uses of Autopsy, ans why and how it was phased out for forensic purposes in the modern era.
If someone dies, for no known reason "dies suddenly" there would always be an autopsy to find out the reason; either to rule out criminality or to get evidence on the murder - was it poison , what was it.
Or to find out why, to further medical knowledge.
In the case of Breitbart, they found cyanide. And his body itself showed the classic effects of cynide poisoning.
Totally sandbagged info.
they say Diamond had a heart injury; which is consistent with damage from the injection; which her sister confirmed.
But of course the deniers will blame it on "climate change" or ? the latest stupid thing being blamed for the sudden deaths?
They covered up SIDS sudden infant death syndrome, for years, even until today. It's likely cause from vax. Vax promoters said the mother likely smothered the child, rolled over on the babe while it slept, which is wrong. They blamed the mother. Said the mothers were lying.
I've done a lot of reading in my long life. Sorry I don't have the proper citations for you.

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