Anonymous 01/28/2023 (Sat) 04:59 Id: 62d718 No.118916 del
that beat that makes me think 6
Time slows on the slow beats enough for me to type my mind
weary hands still at it years later
few replies so the fog is thick by myself
oh well, Faith hasn't failed me yet
>mathematically impossible
echos of memories of Night Shifts years ago blazing thru my mind every waking minute
trying to member what's important, trying to sorty what's not
Night Shift bleeds into Day Shift, no vacations
its okay, i never felt stronger; i never knew moar
choice; i choose to learn what was hidden these past decades
swamp is deep and old, ask nancy feinstein biden mcconnell maxine donna etc
i member sloppy words after 26 hours, haven't done that in a while
i learned a lot moar about energy, tanks to Anons
who slept when Q was poasting?
what is the record of how many times Q poasted in 1 night?

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