Anonymous 01/07/2022 (Fri) 00:02:56 Id: e64fba No.12171 del
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>>119148 (You)
WA state board of health thinking about two provisions: requring covid vaxxes for kids and authorizing detention of those w/covid in detention camps.

Reasons Why NOT to add the Covid-19 Vaccinations to the List of Required Vacccinations for School Age Children
I understand that the WA State Board of Health is about to make a decision about adding the Covid-19 injections to the list of required vaccinations. Below are arguments AGAINST this mandate.

- These vaccines are as yet unapproved, experimental drugs that are still ungoing trials for safety and effectiveness
- They do not prevent the recurrence of Covid
- They are not even true vaccines - substances that prevent disease (the CDC changed the definition when it was clear they were NOT protecting individuals against Covid
- They is evidence that the shots lead to future infertility in both males and females;

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