Anonymous 03/17/2023 (Fri) 05:14 Id: a1ab2f No.122987 del
now if that Rat could animate and deliver today's diddy...

"We don't know definitively the answer to that but it is likely that this thing is not going to disappear, it's not going to be eradicated, and its not going to be "elimicated", so its going to be around, you know, for the foreseeable future, so it is likely that we will require an intermittent, likely, at the same time as we get a flu vaccine, at least once a year. Very similar to what we do to keep updated on our immunity against influenza, it is very likely that the similar situation we'll be experiencing with COVID, namely getting a booster shot, once a year, probably at the same time we get an influenza shot."

Covid is not going away so include the vaccine with your yearly flu shot.
Edited last time by Arcus on 03/17/2023 (Fri) 05:17.