Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 01:23 Id: fef105 No.124212 del
(655.57 KB 1131x650 adolfobama.png)
Fake News caught with their Pants Down.
Fake News colluding with Enemies of State.
Mass Injection Genocide made Public
RFK son of murdered brother of JFK states publicly the C-A killed his father and his uncle.
Been speaking out regarding Vax injuries, with PROOF POSITIVE, for over 20 years.
People getting sick.
PIZZAGATE becoming real when POTUS (ostensible) is a blatant PEDO, feeling up and sniffing little girls ON STAGE for years.
Celebrating Men who impersonate woman. Doing sexual surgery on children? injuring them, making them impotent (when the time comes) and childless.
What else?