Anonymous 04/06/2023 (Thu) 20:40 Id: a3de6a No.125055 del
Do you even Yandex bro?
not hard to image search.
Pentagon sources are also now saying the “arrest of Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer is a warning sign that executives of Western corporations like Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank who commit fraud or crimes may also face Interpol red notices and prison.”
Then there is an ongoing roundup of Israeli arms, drugs, and sex traffickers in Latin America, Africa, and elsewhere:,7340,L-5423075,00.html
Khazarian mafia leaders who are still clinging to power remain under intense attack. Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron’s besieged government resorted last weekend to shutting down the Paris subway network and (geo)engineering a massive rainfall to handicap anti-government protests. However, protest leaders vowed they would be back in January after a Christmas break. Pentagon sources add that “Macron’s days are numbered, as French generals accused him of treason for signing the UN compact on migration.”
Also, we are now seeing reports that Fethullah Gülen, the probable head of the Sabbatean mafia, is to be extradited to Turkey. Putting Gülen on trial would reveal all sorts of dirty secrets, including likely testimony about the Zionist plot to start World War III.

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