Anonymous 04/12/2023 (Wed) 02:13 Id: ef2462 No.126150 del
Triangulate the granularity.

Candida auris Discovery through Community Wastewater ... - CDC
DOI: 10.3201/eid2902.221523
Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol 29, # 2—Feb 2023 Dispatch
Candida auris transmission is steadily increasing across the United States. We report culture-based detection of C. auris in wastewater and the epidemiologic link between isolated strains and southern Nevada, USA, hospitals within the sampled sewershed. Our results illustrate the potential of wastewater surveillance for containing C. auris.
Nevada is the state with the most superbug fungus infections
April 3, 2023 GMT
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Federal public health officials have identified southern Nevada as the place in the U.S. with the highest number of cases of a potentially lethal fungus that is resistant to common antibiotics, and can be a major risk for hospital and nursing home patients.

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