Anonymous 04/14/2023 (Fri) 07:26 Id: 314e7a No.126266 del
>>18691734 pb
President Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin were briefed about the disclosure last week, administration officials say, but the secret documents appeared online in early March on the Discord social media app, according to
Bellingcat, the open-source investigative group.
no way - it's FAKE NEWS.

Bellingcat is a Propaganda Arm of the Anti-Russia DS
Connected to Soros, Atlantic Council, TED, UK & US intelligence agencies, ASD/German Marshall Fund

Founded in 2014 by Eliot Ward Higgins
- attended Haberdashers' Adams - elitist school dated from 1600s
- School founder was member of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers (one of the Great Twelve Livery Companies of the City of London)
so we know Higgins is probably WEALTHY and WELL-CONNECTED

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