Anonymous 04/16/2023 (Sun) 07:12 Id: 0015eb No.126357 del
(83.33 KB 500x864 Elliot Higgens_1.PNG)
(37.35 KB 478x487 Eliot Higgens_4.PNG)
>>126266 pb
Bellingcat is a Propaganda Arm of the Anti-Russia DS
Eliot Higgens founder of Bellingcat, the open-source investigative group.
Funded by Soros Open Society Foundation

I actually left the Atlantic Council at the start of this year to focus on justice and accountability work and a major Yemen project, so you'll need to update your conspiracy theories.
3:16 AM · Jan 16, 2019

Hypo Critical.
Jan 18, 2019
Do you honestly think people are stupid (rhetorical). So the optics of you being a member of the Atlantic Council and “impartial” would be bad, no? So you publically left. Doesn’t mean your not still in their employ. I mean that’s the logical way to see it. You are a stooge.

Jan 18, 2019
That's the conspiratorial way to look at it, that I left so I can secretly still be employed by them. Maybe you should find some actual evidence of something being true before making accusations.

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