Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 00:41 Id: b3d8c6 No.126567 del

#365 @109
>>126466, >>126467, >>126468, >>126469, >>126470, >>126471, >>126472, >>126473, >>126474, >>126475, >>126476, >>126477, >>126478, >>126479, >>126480, >>126481, >>126489 The Swamp Today Tuesday, April 18, 2023
>>126486 Canadian nurse cleared of ‘unprofessional conduct’ for posting about COVID jab injuries online
>>126487 Rice Is Now Killing The Planet, Apparently
>>126488 Sheriff And Officials Plot To Murder Reporters Who Exposed Them
>>126490 Canadians Are Organizing a Citizen-Led Inquiry to Seek Accountability for COVID Crimes
>>126491 CBC ‘pausing’ use of Twitter after ‘government-funded media’ label
>>126494 Southwest Airlines grounds airline flights after reports of outage in airline’s computer system
>>126496 Widower of BBC radio host who died from Covid-19 vaccine launches legal action against AstraZeneca on behalf of 75 people
>>126497 Donald J. Trump - "[Elon's'] space company, car company, battery company, tunnel company, and even Twitter, which was illegally controlled by the FBI, need government HELP & SUBSIDIES. HE IS JUST “MENDING FENCES!”
>>126498 Office desktop apps - Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, etc. now communicate with another program, ai.exe, to perform most local AI
>>126500 Biden to Spend $5 Billion on New Coronavirus Vaccine Initiative Supported by Gates, Fauci and Republican Lawmakers
>>126506, >>126507 Army Prepared To Hold New Competition If IVAS 1.2 Testing Isn’t Successful, Bush Says
>>126509 >>126510, >>126511, >>126512, >>126514, >>126515, >>126516, >>126517, >>126518, >>126519, >>126520, >>126521, >>126522, >>126523, >>126532 The Swamp Today Tuesday, April 19, 2023
>>126530 Elon Musk FULL INTERVIEW with Tucker Carlson: AI, TruthGPT, Twitter, Banking Crisis, Aliens

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