Anonymous 04/25/2023 (Tue) 09:05 Id: 5a4774 No.126981 del
>All this leads me to "who really runs the media" question all over again. Fox is also owned by Disney.
<G.E. is missing from those

hmmm, wh_Y PDJT q_uote "down { vs UP ? } the Golden Escalator"
= / BASE 4 Elevators ? in Towers vs Temple ? / General Motors { C_i_A drugs_N_logistics ~ Goose that laY$ Golden Egg ~ SUB_terranian$ }
or MEDIA CON_glomerate:
Just look at some of the TV companies owned and thus controlled by General Electric:

- Puerto Rico Universal Studios NBC Universal Television Studio NBC Universal Television Distribution.
Is it any wonder American's are completely under the control of the Elites.
\_pb = needs moar sauce

an official report that outlines some of the worst corporate offenders:
General Electric would have paid $14.8 billion more in federal income taxes than it did between 2008 and 2013 if it had paid the full 35 percent federal income tax rate
— to say nothing of the $16 billion bailout it received during the financial crisis.

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