Anonymous 05/02/2023 (Tue) 19:22 Id: 35f7b2 No.127398 del
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
Every American should understand our situation as it stands right now.

You’ve all been trained to be loyal to political parties just like you are loyal to a sports team, but for our country’s very own survival, you must put down your mascot and see things clearly.

We are in $31 Trillion dollars in debt because of the politicians from both parties, who have held power for decades, and hold power right now, and these same politicians want a clean debt ceiling increase with no strings attached so they can just keep insanely spending your hard-earned tax dollars until we fully collapse.

We are on the brink of nuclear world war from our involvement in the Ukraine/Russia war because of the politicians from both parties, who have held power for decades, and hold power right now, and the top guy in the “free press” got fired for talking about it because the owners of the media company support defending Ukraine’s border and talked to Ukraine’s president about it.

Our border is out of our control and invaded daily by thousands of people and deadly drugs because of the politicians from both parties, who have held power for decades, and hold power right now, but you're being told by everyone that Ukraine’s border is the only border we must defend.

Big corporate banks backed by the Treasury are swallowing smaller banks in terrifying speed while these same politicians aligned with others, who have financial interests, are moving America along with the world to digital currency.

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