US Military Shot Down Private Jet Belonging To NRA Donors In Act Of Treasonous Warfare Anonymous 06/05/2023 (Mon) 15:17 Id: 2691d1 No.128996 del
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US Military Shot Down Private Jet Belonging To NRA Donors In Act Of Treasonous Warfare

An NRA executive has revealed her 49-year-old daughter and two-year-old granddaughter were killed alongside the girl's nanny and the pilot when a private Cessna plane crashed in Virginia, leaving no survivors.

Barbara Rumpel, a businesswoman and member of the NRA Women's Leadership Forum from Florida, confirmed the news on Facebook Sunday after the small plane went down in the mountainous region of Virginia.

'My family is gone, my daughter and granddaughter,' Rumpel wrote in a Facebook comment.

The flight had prompted the Pentagon to scramble an interceptor fighter jet after it became allegedly "unresponsive" (yahhhh right) and flew close to both the US Capitol building and the White House at around 3.30pm Sunday.

Virginia State Police confirmed to the wreckage was not found until over four hours later, at around 8pm Sunday. There were no survivors among the four on board and the search was eventually suspended.

Rumpel's husband John, claimed that his entire family was on the plane.

The Rumpels are large-scale donors to conservative political candidates, including former President Donald Trump, having given a combined $250,000 to a PAC supporting Trump's 2020 campaign.

They've also donated to Senate candidate Herschel Walker and Congressional candidate Laura Loomer.

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