Anonymous 06/08/2023 (Thu) 13:44 Id: cff15f No.129095 del
(439.84 KB 375x500 Chris_Wray_HS_.PNG)

Comer cancels Wray contempt vote after FBI offers to let full Oversight Committee review Biden document

“The Full Committee business meeting to vote on holding Director Wray in contempt of Congress is now removed from Thursday’s schedule,” Comer said.

The FBI has offered to let all members of the House Oversight Committee view a redacted document that GOP Chairman James Comer claims describes an allegation of a bribe to Joe Biden when he was vice president, said a source familiar with negotiations around the panel’s subpoena to acquire the document.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., told NBC News on Wednesday that the full House would take up the contempt resolution against Wray “right after” the committee advances the measure.

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