Anonymous 06/17/2023 (Sat) 13:15 Id: a1b021 No.129429 del

The real reason the left is persecuting Trump
American Thinker, by D. Parker
Original Article
Posted By: DW626, 6/17/2023 5:15:46 AM

In a just and sane world, the people trying to rip the country apart should never be near the reins of power. The fact that we have descended into a clown world tells you what happens when they do. It also tells you what they are capable of in keeping a death grip on power and why that is extraordinarily dangerous. The number-one rule for understanding the fascist far left is that they will always accuse the pro-freedom right of what they are doing. And they take charges of hypocrisy as indications of success in this endeavor. So when they incessantly scream