Anonymous 06/19/2023 (Mon) 12:09 Id: 2d1772 No.129465 del
Mask Man-Dates are finally gone in Alberta.
God Bless Alberta.
God Bless Smith.

Danielle Smith, the current premier of Alberta in Canada, has done something remarkable. She took the bold and unprecedented step of apologizing to unvaccinated Canadians who’ve faced unfair treatment from the government throughout the “pandemic.” But Ms. Smith actually went beyond just issuing an apology, Danielle actually made a promise: anyone who was terminated from their job due to their refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine will be reinstated.

Wow. That’s not the type of humility you hear from politicians everyday, is it?

Comedian and conservative podcaster Jimmy Dore was actually blown away by this apology and covered it at length.

Next comes an Alberta Pension plan to
rival Qweebek Pension Plan!!!
Cuz we gonna give Heritage Trust Fund to ALBERTANS!