>>130356 >>130357 >>130358 2:00 AM EDT "Gabriel Debenedetti, "The Long Alliance - The Imperfect Union of Joe Biden & Barack. New York Magazine national correspondent, Gabriel Debenedetti examined the relationship between Joe Biden and Barack Obama and how it has affected the Biden presidency. This was part of the 2023 Gaithersburg Book Festival in Maryland. American History/BookTV https://www.c-span.org/video/?528221-3/the-strangers-world-stories-life-spent-listening
2:45 AM EDT Ari Shapiro, "The Best Strangers in the World - Stories from a Life Spent Listening. Journalist Ari Shapiro recounted the stories of people he met while traveling for his reporting. This was part of the 2023 Gaithersburg Book Festival in Maryland. American History/BookTV https://www.c-span.org/video/?528221-3/the-strangers-world-stories-life-spent-listening
3:28 AM EDT Michael Mehta Webster, "The Rescue Effect - The Key to Saving Life on Earth". NYU Environmental Studies Professor Michael Mehta Webster explained the ability of species to survive harsh conditions like those caused by climate change. This was part of the 2023 Gaithersburg Book Festival in Maryland. American History/BookTV https://www.c-span.org/video/?528221-4/the-rescue-effect-key-saving-life-earth