Anonymous 08/05/2023 (Sat) 06:38 Id: ac272d No.130674 del

The Super Rich's Secret Doomsday Bunkers | WHILE THE REST OF US DIE
[note: VICE TV]
Media Theorist Douglas Rushkoff

Rushkoff: Any monarch who is dependent on their military to maintain power ends up in a military coup. They end up being taken over. It doesn't work that way.
Silicon Valley: So, what will we do, I was thinking we could use shock collars, we could get them [security] to wear shock collars so we could zap them if they go off and they would understand this is the price...
Rushkoff: You really think shock collars will work? They are going to wait until you go to sleep to grab that little control button.

"Powerful people in the world see themselves as utterly incapable of actually creating a future where everything is going to be okay" - Douglas Rushkoff [Embed]