Anonymous 01/10/2024 (Wed) 00:23 Id: fb937f No.135771 del
>>135738, >>135770

Seattle, WA: Attorney Ted Frank is targeting FAR-LEFT activists and pro-Hamas protesters in a potential class action lawsuit and has expanded the lawsuit to New York, DC, Chicago, California

If you were trapped on I-5 because of the illegal acts of pro-Hamas protestors, you have legal rights for civil damages. You should consult with an attorney. The attorneys at @HamLincLaw, including me, would love to bring this kind of suit. My DMs are open.

David Bernstein
To elaborate on my point re 1/6, yesterday rioters blocked I-5, a federal highway, for hours. They were allowed to leave without arrests. If the feds aren't going to track down prosecute at least the ringleaders, the way they are tracking down and prosecuting every 1/6 participant, how are you going to explain to your MAGA friends why they are wrong to think that the prosecutions of 1/6 trespassers who didn't otherwise engage in violence is not simply a partisan crackdown?
Edited last time by Arcus on 01/10/2024 (Wed) 05:31.