Anonymous 04/19/2024 (Fri) 20:21 Id: 916b26 No.139436 del
>>139434, >>139435

Whoever wrote this "manifesto" has some academic experience as a writer/journalist not that it's great but it's structured and they use all the necessary transition words etc... It reads like Puck or the Intercept (looks like something a team of writers and editor would put together). There are occasional miss-spellings but it looks intentional, an attempt to make it look unfettered. One paragraph stood out that made me think this is what it's all about...Confess their rotten scheme because of exposure and they need plausible deniability so they say "you heard it here first" and then try to somehow associate Trump with the "Ponzi Scheme". They should learn by now no matter what they do to Trump it backfires.
Edited last time by Arcus on 04/19/2024 (Fri) 22:54.