Anonymous 05/20/2024 (Mon) 05:11 Id: 6cc6c6 No.140486 del

GUYS LIKE I SAID (read what I wrote below)! Why Only NOW is there a coup attempt! The current government of #DRCongo is a DEMOCRATICALLY elected, confirmed by The African, Union, SADC, South Africa, etc that is finally fighting back against the west

[Apr 26, 2024]
🇨🇩 Kashama 🇨🇩
"Congo is going through a silent genocide."

If I am brutally honest, nothing silent about it. I would call it an actively IGNORED GENOCIDE. An inconvenient genocide for Western powers. How is it that United Nations reports continuously come out detailing how #Rwanda backs terrorist groups that kill Congolese to steal minerals from #Congo and yet at the UN vote, the UN security council votes to not directly condemn Rwanda. Why is it that finally when #DRCongo has a government that:

1. Is going after illegal shadow subcontractors in the mining industry (source:

2. Is going after @Apple for conflict minerals and illegal mining (

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