Anonymous 05/20/2024 (Mon) 12:31 Id: 0ecf50 No.140495 del
1:15 PM EDT
Imagining a World With a UN Convention On The Rights Of Older Persons (Side Event of the 14th Session of the OEWGA) This side event aims to present a potential world with a dedicated legally-binding UN convention on the rights of older persons.
United Nations

1:15 PM EDT
The role of the European Union as a global human rights actor: What about the promotion of human rights in older age? (Side Event of the 14th Session of the OEWGA) - The side event, organised by the Federal Republic of Germany, AGE Platform Europe and BAGSO, the German National Association of Senior Citizens' Organisations, aims to shed light onto the role of the EU to promote the human rights in older age.
United Nations

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