Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 13:37 Id: f18427 No.140677 del

Half of trainee doctors at UCLAs prestigious
medical school 'are failing basic tests
after dean who's anti-white ignored affirmative
action ban and terrorized staff with DEI rules'
Daily Mail, by Dominic Yeatman
Posted By: OhioNick, 5/24/2024 3:27:52 AM

A DEI-fixated dean at UCLA's world-famous medical school has allowed standards to plummet by discriminating against white and Asian applicants, it is claimed. The David Geffen School of Medicine in Los Angeles boasts Nobel Prize winners on its faculty and accepts just 173 students out of the 14,000 who apply to it each year. But it has plunged from sixth to 18th place in the rankings since the appointment of Jennifer Lucerno as dean of admissions in June 2020 amid claims that the admissions bar for underrepresented minorities is now 'as low as you could possibly imagine'.