07/11/2024 (Thu) 13:11
Id: bca749
>>142816>>142817July 11, 2004
Hamilton-Burr Duel 200th Anniversary
The duel in Weehawken, New Jersey between Alexander Hamilton and Vice-President Aaron Burr was re-enacted on its 200th anniversary. On July 11, 1804, Hamilton was mortally wounded by Burr’s shot during the duel, and died 31 hours later at a friend’s home in Manhattan on July 12, 1804. The city of Weehawken is located on the Hudson River opposite New York City. Hamilton and Burr had to go there as dueling in New York was illegal. Both Hamilton and Burr were portrayed by family descendants. Residents of the town played other parts and narrated the re-enactment, including the history of the time period, Hamilton, Burr, the reasons for the duel, and the duel’s aftermath. Carl Rubino portrayed Hamilton’s second, Nathaniel Pendleton. Peter Tavino portrayed Burr’s second, William Van Ness. Stuart Johnson portrayed Dr. David Hosack. Ms. Chammas sang the national anthem. 11, 2020
Washington Journal: Green Party Candidate Howie Hawkins on Campaign 2020
Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins discusses his 2020 campaign for the White House. 11, 2020
Washington Journal: Libertarian Nominee Jo Jorgensen on Campaign 2020
Libertarian Party presidential nominee Jo Jorgensen discussed her platform and strategy for this year’s presidential election.
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