09/18/2024 (Wed) 13:13
Id: 2db959
>>145336>>145337>>145338>>145339>>14534010:00 AM EDT
The World Capital of Women and Girls in Science - The World Capital of Women and Girls in Science aims to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in all fields of science, greater investment in science-based solutions for the world's challenges, increase capacity building, partnership, and collaboration in science, and place these issues at the heart of the world's attention for a year-long celebration.
United Nations AM EDT
Press Conference: António Guterres (UN Secretary-General) prior to the opening of the 79th High-level session of the General Assembly - Hybrid press briefing by the UN Secretary-General ahead of the opening of the 79th High-level session of the UN General Assembly.
United Nations AM EDT
Afghanistan - Security Council, 9726th meeting - Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security (S/2024/664).
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