Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 03:07 Id: 4b862b No.145372 del
# CHECKMATE 9/11 ref?
re: >>21586463 ob/pb qr gen main

anon wonders if one meaning of CHECKMATE is 9/11 ref, might be related to Dick Cheney crawling out of his dark hole to endorse Kamala:
- Elon’s “Chuckmate” was Jul 11, 2022. July 11 —> 7/11, which is the occultists’/satanists’ date for 9/11 (their year begins in March, “Sept”-ember, DJT ‘mistakenly’ says 7/11,…)
- Chuck has one white piece, Elon’s timestamp is 1:11, 11th day. Seems occult/numerology symbolism, as does 2022 —> 222. Sacred masculine v. sacred feminine / follow the wives?
- Delta between Elon’s Chuckmate & DJT # (great catch by anon) was 2 yrs 2 mo 2 days —> 222. DJT # post date is 2 days (moar 2) after 23rd (PAIN) anniversary of 9/11
- Checkmate v. Chuckmate / E v. U —> EU ref, fascism, nazis, hidden government ref?
- Cheney ties to 9/11 big time. Was the PROJECT CHECKMATE group involved in the planning for 9/11?

seeking fren to crosspost to QR Gen main. TIA.