Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 13:00 Id: f35591 No.145603 del
10:00 AM EDT
CVF Leaders Meeting on Enabling Climate Prosperity: Capital Increases, Concessional Capital and Debt Solutions Cooperation - The CVF-V20 is an intergovernmental group headquartered in the Africa Trade House, Accra, Ghana. The membership spans 68 economies, representing a population of 1.74 billion people, contributing to 6.55 percent (equivalent to USD3.8 trillion) of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). CVF-V20 economies represent 21.5 percent of the global population, yet CVF-V20 countries account only for around four (4) percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
(Opening & Plenary) Sea-Level Rise - High-level meeting, General Assembly, 79th session - Opening and plenary segment of the High-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly on the theme "Addressing the threats posed by sea level rise".
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT

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