Anonymous 09/28/2024 (Sat) 23:46 Id: 7004af No.145719 del
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THE ROCHESon their channel (to which I was subscribed) and I was shocked to see that the name of one of their songs is ==SEX IS FOR CHILDREN".

It was published in 1982, 42 years ago.
These evil Clown cunt witches put it right out there, and, geez, I didn't even notice.
I'm furious.
Anyone know how to reach Terre Roche or Suzzy Roche and give them a piece of your mind?
I don't.
I do know that one of the bitches (Maggie Roche) already died, so good riddance to her.
But I'm furious and thought if anyone can amplify this out there on X or YouTube or Truth or anywhere, I'd be most appreciative.


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