10/02/2024 (Wed) 13:08
Id: 377012
>>145822>>145823>>145824>>145825>>145826OCTOBER 2, 2019
President Trump and Finnish President Joint News Conference
President Trump and Finnish President Sauli Niinisto held a joint news conference in the White House East Room. They talked about their discussions during the Finnish president’s visit to Washington, and then answered questions from reporters, most of which centered around the whistleblower complaint against President Trump. During those questions, President Trump reacted to a New York Times story detailing how House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had seen the whistleblower accusations early, saying it was “a scandal that he knew it.” Later, he refused to answer a question from a reporter on the contents of a call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, saying instead that the media was corrupt. 2, 2020
Kayleigh McEnany Comments to Reporters in White House Driveway
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany spoke to reporters about President Trump’s schedule and how he is doing after getting a COVID-19 diagnosis. 2, 2020
President Trump White House Departure for Walter Reed Medical Center
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