Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 14:08 Id: 8f7748 No.147676 del
Tim McCabe TRUTH ‘TOONS @timothymccabe - July 2024: JJ Carroll, former U.S. border agent, gives gut-wrenching account of child trafficking at the U.S. border during Joe Biden’s tenure. Sponsored by @jcrpks

Wall Street Memes @wallstmemes - Bro 100% had puts & lost money last week

World Scholar @WorldScholar_ - This is Mont Saint Michel, a 1,300 year-old abbey built in Normandy, France.
It's a masterpiece of Medieval engineering and defies all odds.
But it isn't a solitary wonder, it's part of the greatest formation of marvels that you've never heard of...

Zippy The Pinhead - Automatic Transmission

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