Anonymous 10/24/2022 (Mon) 19:10 Id: 36fa4d No.66786 del

like your thinking in connecting Q4958 to all of this. 06/29/2022 --> 6.29.2022. Since 2+9=11, 6.11 MIRROR 11.6 Huma indicted? 11.6 is 2 days ahead of 11.8 midterms.

what to make of Q4958 timestamp 03:23:20? 32-32 or MIRROR 23-23? Q3232 is Marker[1] set + Marker[2] set, QEII death related (I think).

regardless, Cassidy Hutchinson made J6 masters look stupid. Q4958 Min: 45 certainly seems to link DJT to J6 Committee.

tangent: why do Q3850 (MIN: 15) and Q4866 (MIN: 22) both have same HUNTERS BECOME THE HUNTED DJT image? different filenames - the later version ends in ...688.jpg. might be coincidence, but 688 is class # for Los Angeles class SSN attack boats (

given the red images, is there a link to RED OCTOBER that we've missed? RIG for RED?