Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 18:10 No.84730 del

“100 Years of Anglo American” – Part 1
Below are excerpts

A popular pamphlet distributed in mass democratic movement circles in the 1980s carried a graphic cartoon that demonstrated the influence of Anglo American on the lives of South Africans.

It showed how a worker would wake up in the morning and eat a breakfast containing ingredients supplied by an Anglo American-controlled company, get into a car, taxi or bus that contained components made by a firm in which the corporation had interests’ and work for a company with links to 44 Main Street. His lunch and supper would also contain elements of Anglo American, as would the beer he drank to wind down after work.

The corporation had a place in virtually every aspect of his day.

In those days, Anglo American was the stuff of myth and legend. To some, it was the face of the capitalist system that went hand in hand with apartheid.

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