Anonymous 09/10/2021 (Fri) 15:17:57 Id: 031541 No.9685 del
The reason we know it's not hologram is because the trajectories don't match.

Perps spent a lot of money convincing people otherwise using computer simulations.

(They know this is the best evidence, their weakest point, much like the canvassing on the vote just cuts through the BS)

A guy did a whole tour around it Mr. Expert Profession using computer simulations to fool people.

Truly it's the astronomers that cracked that one. But anyone who studies the originals closely for any length of time will see the same thing - will come to the same conclusion.

Also, in reality there are no visual plane sighters. I know. I canvassed the area for at least one year.

Unfortunately I neglected to takes names and record for the record. But the truth doesn't change. I'm sick of arguing. It can still be done. People who believe, will believe; likely no matter what the evidence.. There's always some lame excuse?

Surprising to some people, the result.

Someone might call me up

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